"Integration Is Our Game"

RBJ & Associates LLC, Develops New Main Logo

This will be the center piece for the future site.


This is our new Graphic !

RBJ & Associates LLC, Develops New Replacement Sump Pump Float Switch

This new style of Replacement Sump Pump Float Switch is designed to replace any current residential sump pump float switch. Its design features a positive snap action both in the pump on and off directions.


This new style of Replacement Sump Pump Float Switch is designed to replace any current residential sump pump float switch. Its design features a positive snap action both in the pump on and off directions.

Below is footage of the very first prototype , that has been installed in a real location in the field. This switch has been active since 10/29/16 and has cycled over 54,456 times, pumping approx. 272,280 gallons !

-updated 07/27/19

This "Smart Sump Pump Float Switch" has web based monitoring ! You are able to see this switches data by going to the link below:

RBJ & Associates LLC, Develops 3x New Circuit Boards

Power Board with 4x relays, Left Hand Relay Board and a Right Hand Relay Board, designed to be Breakout Boards for a Splat MMI201,MMI202 and MMI203 Industrial Controller.


RBJ & Assoc. LLC has been using Splat MMI201, MI202, and MI203 Control Boards for Years. In our experiences, we have discovered the need for a very simple plug and play solution for quickly putting an Industrial controller into operation and getting the job done.

Because of this reason we have developed 3x different "Bridge Boards" these boards are designed to plug right onto the back of the famous MMI201, MMI202, and MMI203 Splat control Board. Think of these boards as a quick and easy "Break Out" Board for your controller! After plugging it in you can wire up your 8x outputs and your 8x inputs, and you are ready to create your program and you're done. All your connections from your application to the control are made right on the control.

PB051915 and an RH051915 are shown mounted on a Splatco MMI201. But they will also fit the MMI202 and MMI203. Below is a youtube video explaining it all

If your interested in purchasing one of these Bridge Breakout Boards please follow the links below:

  • Power Board plus 4x relays and 4x inputs(used when converting 24 VAC)
    $129.99 USD
  • Right Handed Relay and Input Board(used with both Power Board and Left Hand)
    $79.99 USD
  • Left Handed Relay and Input Board(used when not using Power Board)
    $79.99 USD

Integration Is Our Game

About Us

RBJ & Assoc. LLC is a company which strives to solve your Manufacturing and Processing problems. Whether it be the Equipment, or Raw Material related. We have a group of highly experienced individuals that are experts in their respective fields.We have been involved in a variety of consultant, design, and manufacturing jobs, for many diverse companies. Below is a list of a few projects :

  • Continuous Extrusion of plastic Corrugated Tubes and Pipes

  • Continuous Extrusion of Coating Fluorescent Light Bulbs

  • Various High Speed In-line Orbital Cutters

  • Control System for Clean Burn Applications

  • Automation of Opening and Closing Windows

  • Environment Control Chambers for Wood Rot Acceleration Testing

RBJ & Assoc. LLCs Major strength is in, Design, Building, and Integration of various electronic control systems to be mounted on your Process Equipment. RBJ & Assoc. LLC is also involved and supports our local School District. Below are some slide shows of the different things we have been involved with. We are going to let the pictures do the talking!
